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Enhance the reliability of your company's financial and economic information with our Account Auditing Services. We provide you with valuable information so that you can make the most appropriate decisions for your business.


Today, more than ever, companies need a statutory auditor who offers more than just an audit, he or she is expected to provide an element of control to information asymmetries and conflicts of interest between principals and agents. Unlocking the power of information becomes essential to improve processes and achieve desired economic goals.

Conducting an audit is an investment in business transparency that is directly transformed into a competitive advantage. In order to differentiate oneself from the competition in such a globalised and aggressive market, it is necessary to detect and solve all the internal difficulties of a company.


  • Greater credibility and reliability of internal economic information.
  • To achieve better economic and business development.
  • Improve internal management.
  • Increase the value and image of the company in the eyes of third parties.
  • Improve the relationship with credit institutions and rating agencies.
  • Achieve competitive advantages.


Audit Services for Business
Limited and factual reviews and/or agreed procedures
These services are designed to provide assurance on specific facts or procedures of the entity by obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence to obtain reasonable assurance about compliance with the standards applicable to the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
Auditing of Reporting Packages according to IAS, USGAAP standards...
Audit, which has three basic elements: balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements.
Audit of Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Analysis of economic-financial information with the objective of examining a company's assets, economic and financial situation. The auditor is able to understand and interpret all financial statements and thus determine what information they provide and how they provide it.
Audit of Interim Financial Statements
Its purpose is to present the financial position of a company at the time the financial statements were prepared. They are usually prepared on a monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis.
Reports on supporting accounts for grants
The supporting accounts with the provision of an auditor's report are a means for the beneficiary to justify compliance with the conditions imposed and the achievement of the objectives foreseen in the award of a grant.
Internal control audit
It ensures the safeguarding of assets and makes accounting records and results reliable, which are indispensable for the smooth running of any entity, large or small. Thanks to this internal audit it will be possible to implement efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the management of the organisation.
Due Diligence
A process of research and detailed analysis of financial and operational activities with the objective of assisting the acquiring company in assessing the risks and weaknesses of the target company.
Supplementary and special reports on the Annual Accounts (Bank of Spain, CNMV, DGS, SAD, etc.).
Supplementary report for the purpose of describing and summarising the scope of the auditors' review and verification work on certain areas of the annual accounts and on certain information held by the auditors that is useful for the purposes of the applicant's oversight.