From 23 to 25 October, the Kreston Iberaudit National Congress was held in Zaragoza, an event that brought together partners and more than 80 professionals from our 16 offices in Spain, Portugal and Andorra. Under the slogan ‘Integral Solutions, Global Results’, this meeting reflected our evolution [...]
As every year, Kreston Global convenes external leaders and the entire international network to discuss the latest trends in Audit, Tax, Corporate Finance, Transfer Pricing, Indirect Tax, VAT, among others, to participate in the annual conference of the Global Groups. Our experts, Elena Ramírez Marín, Andrés [...]
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar, where we will explore various residence options and the key requirements for investing in Andorra. The event will take place on February 22nd at 12:00 PM (Spain) / 11:00 AM (UK). We are proud to have Prof. [...]
IBERAUDIT Kreston office in A Coruña, in collaboration with the law firm Eurogabinete, has organized the “II Business Meeting”, under the motto “Tax system, Leadership, Transformation and Managerial Planning “.